Holiday weight loss guide part #1

    So the Holiday's are coming up people. You all know what that means lots of holiday food yummy cakes and pie and turkey. Well we all know losing weight around this

time of year can be hard. But luckily it is still possible to lose eight even with all the goods and cookies still in your diet.
    Step one weight yourself and write it down. Finding out how much you weight in the beginning of a weight loss journey is important. You won't notice that you

have lost inches right away by looking at yourself in the mirror everyday you ma look thinner but you may weight the same  possible more. I used to do this all the time

looking at myself in the mirror and thinking hey I look skinnier turns out I gained weight and wasn't noticing that I was getting bigger. I went into the doctor and

saw my weight 235Ib after this I went home and tried on some clothes i hadn't worn in awhile turn out they didn't fit as well anymore. I gained only 5 Ib from the last

time I had seen my weight but I was really surprised to see this. So don't make the same mistake at me go to Walmart and buy a cheap scale I got one there for 8 dollars.

 All of us should be able to scrape up that much money.
    Make a goal for yourself a small one don't start big because when you think big about weight loss you end up falling short.It is ok to have a overall goal. My

overall goal is to be 165ib. Losing that much weight will not happened over night or even in a matter or weeks. Which is why every week I make a goal to only lose up to

5ib pounds.Usually I make it less then then this. But for week one aim for 5ib. Will you be able to actually lose all this? I don't know that is up too you however I

have done this.If I can do this so can you. If you fall short it is ok try again lower the amount if you must. Be sure to weight yourself only once a week.Stepping on

the scale everyday is bad for you. it will not help you lose weight so don't do it!!!! After you have weight yourself and wrote down your weight if you  a measuring

type go ahead and see how many inches round you are.Write this down and keep track of it every week so you can see the inches you are losing. I hope this has helped

and good luck to you all I will be back with another post soon.

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