Saturday, December 8, 2012

Motivation for weight loss

Finding the right motivation to lose weight or keeping motivated can be hard. But it is possible Plenty of people mangage to lose weight. You just need to find the right motivation. Everyone is very different so if you arn't motivated by the same things that your friends are don't worry. Here is a list o some of the things that may help to motivate you in your weight loss journey.
  • Being healthy. This tends to motivate a lot of people knowing that they are helping themselves to become a healthy individual is enough.
  • Beatuy this is really popular when it comes to girls. Girls want to be skinny so they look good. Know one wants to be that fat cow that everyone points at and talks about. But if you are worried about the way you look work on losing weight and keeping it of the healthy way and not by bulimia or anorexia nether of these are good they are both horrible for you.
  • Videos of success. Watching or hearing about how someone else lost weight can really motivate you to do your best so you can later be one of those people who is able to give advice to others who want to loss weight
  • To impress someone. People have a habit of wanting to impress others don't let this be what motivates you it isn't good you shouldn't have to impress someone with your body to get their attention. 

These are just some of the many things what motivates you ? If your willing to share ether drop me a line or leave a comment as to what to add to this list. Along with that here is a little motivation and advice to help along your journey.

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