Foods for weight loss list

Here is a list of foods that are great or weight loss

  1. Apples a medium size apple carries only 95 calories along with 4 grams of fiber
  2. mushrooms make people feel fuller and satisfied
  3. eggs they are low in carbs and calories but high in protein which makes you feel fuller
  4. Vegetable soup makes you a good meal and you get you veggies along with having 20% less calories then other soups
  5. Hot Chile peppers it is said I you eat one a half hour before you eat it helps you to feel less hungry.
  6. Almonds chew these a lot and they will help you feel full.
  7. Black beans carry a lot of protein in them.
  8. Oats are rich and fiber and you know hat that makes you do.
  9. Avocados which carry monounsaturated fats which helps quite hunger
  10. Salmon is another good protein source.
  11. Blueberries not only are they 80 calories for a cup of them they have 4 grams of fiber and are great for anti aging
  12. Broccoli low on calories high on fiber and great in preventing cancer.
  13. Brown rice is really good for you not as much starch as weight rice.It contains resistant starch which is a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
  14. Grapefruit eat half of one before a eat your sure to eat less. Even If this is the only change you make to your diet your sure to lose a pound a week.
  15. Green tea hydrates you like water. But also the antioxidants in it help burn fat and calories. A study that was down found if you had five cups o this a day, you would lose twice as much weight.

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